

In these days of ever increasing crime rates it is even more important to be aware and at least do the minimum to make your home a little more secure.

While it is probably impossible to stop every kind of home intruder, it makes sense to at least make your home a little less vulnerable and maybe convince a thief to move on to an easier target. Here are some tips to help you make your home just a little more secure.

It may seem a bit silly but take the time and try to think like someone who wants to get into your house. Take a walk around and maybe you’ll discover some obvious security weakness. Sometimes just trimming bushes back from doors or windows can make a thief think twice. A latter or a chair left near a wall can make it that much easier for an intruder to get into and out of your yard. If there are dark areas around any windows or doors, consider installing lights.

Always remember to lock doors and windows even if you’ll just be gone a short time. It only takes a burglar a few seconds to check for unlocked windows and doors.

If you move into a new home, change all the locks and tumblers.

Make your home look like it’s occupied when your gone. Install Timers to turn lights and radios on and off to make it seem like your home.

Find a more creative place to hide a spare key instead of under the door mat or in the mail box. If you should lose your house key you may want to change the locks as soon as possible.

Be extra careful about people such as sales people asking to enter your home. Ask for credentials! Sometimes professional burglars use this kind of cover to check out homes.

Most of these tips are just common sense and cost little to no money. The main thing is to be aware and don’t think that these kinds of things only happen to other people.



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